Saturday, November 28, 2009

The holidays are upon us

Well, we survied turkey day 2009, and Black Friday as well. Here is to wishing you and your family a safe and happy holiday season!

Here is a Rainier Station update:

We have completed the task of building new shelving in the room which was once the Rainier shift office. Since then, the old blue cabinets in the bay have been demolished and the supplies inside transferred to the new shelving. This will put 90% of our supplies in one place, which is better for all. It will make finding and ordering necessary supplies much easier.

Toy and Joy is up and running, and we ae seeing more and more toys appear at our doorstep, thanks to our generous community.

Rick and Duane were here last week and installed a new alternator on our engine, thus eliminating the low voltage "beep beep beep" which drove us crazy. Thanks, guys!

MDA "Fill the boot" was a great success yesterday in Rainier, having collected more and $1,800.00! Great job!

Anyway, that's it for now. I wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday season and a fantastic upcoming 2010!

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